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Bible discussion group


Word on the Street

Listening Ear: Testimonials

"After my father had stroke, I was very cautious and worried about his health,so I started taking better care of him. But it does affect me sometimes."

"I do not usually go out often because I tend to forget things due to my dementia sometimes. But I do want to go out again by myself without much worries and without worrying my family."

         Based on the interviews, we have identified pain points and created personas of potential users of our product.

Pain Point 1

Many want to take better care of their health but the prospect of using a Fitbit or any health tracker seems daunting to them due to the lack of user accessibility.

Pain Point 2

Caretakers worry about letting their elderly go out alone because of health conditions, be it mental or physical.

Listening Ear: What We Do
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